Dr Indigo Willing, Founder of AVI. Greetings 2018 / 2019 plans ahead.
Hello and long time, no posts! The AVI website and blog has been in archive mode for the past couple of years as the rise of social media and smart phones rapidly changed how we communicate. Our activities have mostly moved to our AVI FB Community Page and AVI FB Discussion Group where there are over 1000 members, new posts by members almost weekly. On the discussion group especially, there are lots of fun Vietnamese adoptee tips on travel, historical orphanage photos, tips on searching and current news, events and research shared by VN adoptees from around the world. However, in 2019 we will be working towards updating this website incrementally and progressively when windows of time are available. If you have info you would like to share or ideas join our discussion group or ‘like’ our community page and create a post or send us a message. Thank you everyone for your active involvement and support for over 18 years now (AVI was founded in April 2000 on the 25th anniversary of Operation Babylift and the end of the Viet Nam / American War).
Best wishes
Dr Indigo Willing OAM
Founder – Adopted Vietnamese International, Social Researcher, Community Volunteer and Vietnamese Adoptee.