Jen Fitzpatrick bio

Jen Fitzpatrick

VN Adoptee (Operation Babylift) – Australia
Co-Founder, International Adoptee Community (IAC) Group
Adoptee National Representative 2011 for NICAAG
Former Adoption Officer with Adoption Services Queensland – Australia
Touring Transcultural Adoptee Films (TTAF) Initiative Committee (Brisbane)

AVI BioJen’s Story (Youtube)AVI 35th ReflectionsTTAF (Brisbane)


Jen Fitzpatrick – As the Adoptee Representative for the National Intercountry Adoption Advisory Group, Jen has trained as a social worker at James Cook University, Jen also worked for several years in the Adoption Services Queensland, Department of Child Safety as an Intercountry Adoption Officer. Jen has co-organised intercountry adoptee events, presented at international adoption information sessions, co-organised and co-presented at the Touring Transcultural Adoptee Films Initiative in 2009, as well as supported other community awareness activities such as the Queensland State Library’s commemorative exhibition on Operation Babylift. Jen is active in liaising with the Queensland Vietnamese community to support cross-cultural awareness activities. Jen is currently coordinating the development of the Intercountry Adoption Community (IAC), a community-based support network for adoptees. In her spare time, Jen loves to ride motorbikes and try out new restaurants with friends and family.