Go Vap Orphanage

Please also see Vietnam Volunteer Network: www.vietnamvolunteernetwork.com

and Operation Reunite 2010 Visit by adopted Vietnamese to Go Vap in 2010 www.operationreunite.com


This is 2009 information about Go Vap Orphanage:

Ho Thanh Loan is the Director

45 Nguyen Van Bao, St.
W. 4, Go Vap Dist., HCM

Office: 08 894 1880 and 08 895 5581

Go Vap accepts volunteers. For more info email Kim Nguyen Browne (VN adoptee) who has close connections with this orphanage: knb@vietnamvolunteernetwork.com



Courtesy of adoptees in the community and in particular Kim Nguyen Browne and Susan McDonald:

Looking for information at Go Vap Orphanage (Nicole, a NY journalist created this one for me):


The Hydrocephalus Ward At Go Vap Orphanage:


Children Of Go Vap Orphanage Thank Danone UK & GSK:


Feeding Time At Go Vap Orphanage:


Danone Colleagues Air Conditioners Go Vap Babies Ward:


Children At Go Vap Orphanage Sing Me A Song:



Searching for child from go vap orphanage – paper work done at Thong Thien Hoc

Vietnam Adoption ( Go Vap Orphanage )

Dao Van Thanh, he lived with her mother until the age of three.Unable to care for him, his mother brought him to Go Vap Orphanage, and wasadopted by American around June to Dec 1972.

Below are informations that we knowabout our son since he was in Go Vap Orphanage in Sai Gon and left there aroundJune to December 1973.

He was brought to the United States when he was 3 years old (wasborn 1970). His name was as Dao Van Thanh when he lived in Go Vap Orphanage. Hewas brought to The United States for adoption between June to Dec. 1972.The paper work was made by a member of Thong Thien Hoc Christian Church named Lan(The Church located at Phu Nhuan area in Sai Gon). Then, we received a picture of him on December 1972 with a sign on the back of the picture named Quang which different from his real name Dao Van Thanh.

Above are all informations that we know about him. We really appreciated helping us to find out our son. Please contact us at NgoMinh000@cs.com


Father’s name : Dao HoaPhuc Mother’s name : NguyenThi Tuyet